Monday, 9 January 2012

We are go!

Phew, it's been a while. I've been sooo busy!

I'm up and running!!! I'm operating my little community bakery 4 mornings a week from my kitchen and dining room under the name of The Rustic Kitchen. I make my tin loaves on weekdays and do my special loaves on a Saturday. It's early starts and early finishes, which suits me fine.

It's not all been plain sailing though. I started off well, managing to get a local farm shop to sell my bread a couple of days a week but that stopped over Christmas and hasn't started up again as they've said they're not trading enough at this time of year. That leaves me with the private orders, which although essential, aren't paying the bills.

So, what am I to do about this? One thing I've not mentioned before is that I am starting some studies as soon as the course material is sent. I'm certainly keeping busy. I'm aIso helping to run our church community cafe on a Tuesday and with a 1 year old (how did that happen?!) in the house there's not much spare time!

I do have a quite understanding husband, with a shiny new job, which has taken the pressure off somewhat, but if I want to keep putting diesel in the car I'm going to have to come up with something whilst I try to grow the business. That's where my Christmas present will hopefully be coming in. A fancy pants sewing machine. I've just taken delivery of a job lot of material and other bits so have plans to create a lovely range of babies toys. I will knit them up and embellish. Seems that handmade is hot currently so who am I to argue?

Hopefully I can try to update a bit more frequently now, so till next time x

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